Happiness | Teen Ink


November 1, 2015
By TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Change your thoughts before your thoughts change you."

If happiness is what you’re after.
You are in the wrong place.
Because darkness is my biggest demon,
And it won’t go away.
My heart is fill with regret and sadness,
You’re heart is what lights my way.
But after today I’ll just wear you down,
So dalring won’t you say.

If happiness is what you’re after,
You will get away.
I don’t want to dull your brightness,
But the shadows darken my day.
I can’t help it,
It’s not longer my fault.
But I can help save you,
Just get up and walk.
Don’t you worry,
I’ll be right here.
Uncover your face and show me that fear.

Because if happiness is what you’re after,
I can no longer give.
The darkness has overcome,
All my chance to live.
Turn around and don’t look back,
As I can promise happiness then.
Don’t be scared,
Get over that fear,
And finally go be a good friend.

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