The One | Teen Ink

The One

October 24, 2015
By Irdina BRONZE, Manjung, Other
Irdina BRONZE, Manjung, Other
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
" just be yourself "

he's the one

who makes me laugh.


he's the one

wgo taught me about life.


he's the one

wo takes good care of me.


he's the one

who is always beside me.


he's the one

who will always cheer up.


he's the one

who tells me about the moon and the stars.


he's the one

who always reminds me to love my parents first.


he's the one

who is always on my mind.


he's the one

who used to be my best friend.


but now,

he's the one

who's letting 

me go.

The author's comments:

i really make this poem by all my heart. haha

someone that i really like (of course he's my friend right) and someone that used to make me smile all the time (sigh) .

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