Crash in a Flash | Teen Ink

Crash in a Flash

October 13, 2015
By Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

People don't have a clue
Humanity's more than just a trend
The world doesn't revolve around you
With each day, I see a dead end

You do to impress, no more
With your fake perception of the norm
With your "Facebook likes" as the unconquerable score
With your insecurities and superficiality raging like a storm

But I am not the one to talk
In terms of personality, I might be broke
Compared to you, I might be a joke
So today, I'll let you have it and just walk

Yet,one of these days, things will crash
And I'll be coming at you in a Flash

The author's comments:

This is some late night retrospective thinking about society and today's norms and conditions to be "privelleged" into taking part in a superficial society..

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