Monsterous Anxiety | Teen Ink

Monsterous Anxiety

September 22, 2015
By terraxoxo BRONZE, Greencastle, Indiana
terraxoxo BRONZE, Greencastle, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The tears that filled her eyes

refused to tell the lies

with he anxiety monster upon her left shoulder

weighing her down like a boulder

she couldn't help but dwell on everything

even if it's just a little thing


severely shaking

worries always in the making

and her mind is always aching

nervous, she stutters

as she shoves the monster into the gutters


but this isn't the end,

pas she goes to bend,

there he stands

all worries, thrown from his hands

back into hers


poor, poor girl

anxiety is so hard to beat

but she moves along

standing strong on her feet

on foot after another

this won't last forever

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