The Five Stages of Grief. | Teen Ink

The Five Stages of Grief.

September 1, 2015
By Mocking-perception SILVER, Paris, Illinois
Mocking-perception SILVER, Paris, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"This above all: to thine own self be true" -Hamlet

No, you’re wrong.
He’s waiting for me to get home from school like he always does.
Quit saying that.
You don’t know what you’re talking about!

How could he do this to me!
He promised he’d always be there,
Promised to love me forever and ever.
When he left his love went with him.

Please, bring him back to me.
I’ll do anything, I was wrong earlier.
Every little princess needs their king.
You wouldn’t want to tear us apart, would you?

It’s all my fault.
If I would have stayed home things would be different.
What’s the point of this anyway? What lesson are you trying to teach?
Maybe, I should just leave, too.

No his presence may not be known,
But I know he’s always beside me.
Even though he left, I still know in my heart.
He’ll always be my daddy.

The author's comments:

I hope all you reading this, or maybe just the people i spammed the link to, are getting that grieving is a working progress that takes time and hopefully ends in acceptance.

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