Itinerary of Feelings | Teen Ink

Itinerary of Feelings

August 28, 2015
By ryn_813 SILVER, Peterborough, New Hampshire
ryn_813 SILVER, Peterborough, New Hampshire
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas Edison
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life, It goes on"- Robert Frost

There's something about the rain, and the birds song.

It opens up a whole other world.
Maybe it's because the clouds cast a darkened glow.
While the birds chirps keep me just out of reach of the darkened depressionable state.
It brings me to a state of unmeasurable thinking.
Where deeper thoughts evolve with the music, thoughts that can only be thought with the rain.

They made me think about you today.
Shouldn't be a surprise, you've never left my mind.
Like a dream, I can't pinpoint what I was thinking about.
But you were smiling and talking, you didn't know I saw you.
It was precious and raw.
It was beautiful.
It was something I'll never forget.

You make me question why I never loved you before.
Why I never noticed that something so simple could make me melt just a little inside, but enough that I keep coming back.
Why I can never get enough of you.
Why I miss you the second you're gone.

They say if he can make you smile, just at the thought of him.
It's love.
Maybe it's true, I never quite thought of it that way.
I hope it is, because something is definitely happening inside.

I wish I could tell you, the way I really feel.
But every time I go to speak,
All I can do is smile
At the thought, and the moment.

I hope the sun stays at bay for just a little while longer.
Maybe by then I'll have it all figured out
An itinerary of feelings mapped out in ways that you and I both could read.
But until then just know that I love you.

The author's comments:

It's about him..

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