I wait and I watch (Story of The Cheshire Cat) | Teen Ink

I wait and I watch (Story of The Cheshire Cat)

August 17, 2015
By gg623 BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
gg623 BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” -Albert Camus

I wait and I watch

I watch and I wait

For a certian Alice to come along


I am pretty sure my fur is gray

Or maybe my fur is gray

I could be blind

Then everything would be gray

Would it make sense that way?


I sit in my tree

Sometimes my tail joins me

Sometimes it ignores me

I smile at it

A smile is a friendly gesture

It makes everything seem alright

Even if it is not


Why does Alice not come?

Does she not miss Wonderland?

Does she not feel the pull of its being?

I know she does

Or she would not come


She claims she knows nothing of Madness

That she is not mad

While she says this she grows

And shrinks

Because changing your size is not Madness

It is growing up


But Alice cannot grow up

She should not

She would not

Why would anyone want to leave all of this behind?


On a bright and cloudless day

The Wildflowers still call her name

The Hatter has poured her tea more times than I can count

The White Rabbit says she is late


Yet here I am

Dissapearing with each turn of the wind

Will Alice remember me?


My tail is gone

My body fading

I feel as though I should be going too

I leave my grin behind

So Alice will know

When she reaches the Land of Madness

We have been waiting

Oh we have been waiting an awfully long time

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