The Introvert | Teen Ink

The Introvert

August 23, 2015
By Jeanna Totah BRONZE, Los Altos, California
Jeanna Totah BRONZE, Los Altos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You can barely tell
That the edges of her desk are peeling
But you are convinced that
She doesn’t work hard


And you can barely tell
That she is shaking
But that it isn’t even
Cold outside


And it’s hard to notice
That she doesn’t want new friends
But that the old ones
Are all she needs


Her attendance at concerts
And parties are common
But you hardly notice her
Walk out the door


Pictures on social media
Prove she doesn’t just sit alone
But sometimes that is all
She wants to do


She isn’t the athlete and
The artist and the musician
But she is great at
What she does


You can barely tell
That she requires solitude
But that is who she is
And that is okay

The author's comments:

Hopefully this piece will allow my fellow introverts to feel like they are not alone in this world even when they want to be.

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