silent lips | Teen Ink

silent lips

July 3, 2015
By nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deep in my thoughts
Lies your voice

Unheard but it echoes
Numb with grief yet crisp with youth

It is :

Serene but intense
Dreamy like ruffle of turquoise water under the shimmering sun

Unclear and undefined by any Earthly phenomena
It’s like clattering of rain, the misty fog tickling the skin

It’s the perfect symphony of musical cords
Pressing the throat while bruising the skin

Clash of lightning bolts
Hesitant but steady more like uncontrollable sound of animal hooves

The blowing air, wheezing through
Cheep cheep called little baby bird

The roaring sea, the angry sun
The thrust of the engine wretched in hunger

The doorbell with the warmth of love
The bicycle horns reminding me of traffic run

The heavy footsteps descending down the stairs
Emerging watery footprints in the fine sand

My admiration of the blissful beauty
Longingly distant yet desperately close

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