The Lifeless Man | Teen Ink

The Lifeless Man

June 15, 2015
By slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.

This is the tale of a lifeless man
He walks tall, and gets straight A's
He tries to bear himself and school as best he can
But he ends up a victim of everyone's betray.


His definition of success -
based on what it's said it should be:
They said that it's more or less
What on paper they'll see.


And so he toils his time
Thinking he'll beat the odds
Yet all the while his victimless crime
Leaves him appealing to a bunch of broads.


He hides behind his arrogant manner
To conceal the fear he feels
And watches her pass; her feelings a rumor
While to her alone he always wished to appeal.


Success for him was so much more
Than what to them it means
Though some day soon he will end up poor
For without friends there will be no seams.


That was the tale of the lifeless man
Whose work will be gone, sacrificed like a lamb.
His path will be walked by many a man
But their hurt won't be felt, for they'll lay buried in sand.

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