A Wish to Myself | Teen Ink

A Wish to Myself

June 4, 2015
By jules_leo BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
jules_leo BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Quaking to the core,
as terrified as a rabbit under a tiger’s glare,
there I stood,
under the crushing presence of one thousand audience.

Shuddering with voice trembling,
just like an amateur singer making her debut,
there I spoke,
feeling as if my vocal cords have gone wild.

Peering into the concrete white world within me,
words concealed so well that the savage hunter will never find it,
there I searched,
frantically as I blabbered gibberish.

All at once, a luminous hand reached out,
tearing apart the white world as if it did not exist,
there I cried,
freed from the tormenting whiteness I so dreaded.

There it goes, the whiteness,
into the familiar abyss where it will be lost forever,
there I kindled,
ready to shine like a newborn star in the infinite galaxy.

Tumbling words signal the renaissance,
flowing eloquently through a torrent of emotions,
there I warbled,
singing the beautiful epic of my journey to confidence.

That was some time ago,
so long ago that the time is lost to me,
but here I stand,
holding a dream.

That dream is to speak like Oprah Winfrey,
soothing aching, wounded hearts with words like panacea,
now here I toil,
being confident to deliver passionate messages to those in need.

That ambition will be hard to achieve;
painful measures will have to be taken,
but here I wish,
that I will.

The author's comments:

This poem is about overcoming my flaw, or my goal to do so. 

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