The Souls' Follower | Teen Ink

The Souls' Follower

June 2, 2015
By AmandaParker SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
AmandaParker SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Happiness is a component of the soul
Everyone is equipped with this gift
From the first opening of your eyes, to the last closing

You are the deciding factor on the amount you generate
Dependent on yourself to deliver the most
But relying on support of you friends and family

With happiness and a life full of laughter
You will not fear your last sleep
Because with your soul, happiness will always follow

The author's comments:


I decided I wanted to focus on the first line of the poem, happiness in life. I think that everyone is born with it, but it is depends on the people and actions you take to the determine the extent. If you obtain a level of happiness, when your soul leaves it will not be as scary.

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