Where the Boat takes you | Teen Ink

Where the Boat takes you

June 2, 2015
By AmandaParker SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
AmandaParker SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all have the same outcome
The same permanent destination
Bound to arrive to the location on the same boat
Your Past life a keepsake to hold on to

The boat navigates to the unknown
Dropping souls off at numbered docks
Having each specific being accounted for

Beyond the docks lie another life
The banishment of the past, to the welcoming of the future
Each journey adding on to the next

The author's comments:


My poem is inspired on the idea of afterlife. I made the idea of the”boat to banishment” a key component. Even though it is unknown where you go after your death,  your soul remembers your past life. It uses that knowledge to aid itself wherever the “boat" may take you.

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