Seeing through the Darkness | Teen Ink

Seeing through the Darkness

June 2, 2015
By AmandaParker SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
AmandaParker SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am terrified of the Darkness
A constant fear of departure surrounding me
Anticipation of when I will be engulfed

Counting the days of my lifetime
I cannot foresee my fate
Moments are too short-lived

I will regret nothing
Continuing to bloom until the end of my season
Saturating the day to its Maximum
Finding the light in my days
For if tomorrow brings the final darkness, I will be-able to see

The author's comments:

One of the top fears in the world is the fear of death. I symbolized death as the “darkness”, and the objective of the poem is to relinquish the fear of death. If you make the most out of your days “Carpe diem” it will potentially bring light to the “darkness”. By putting “Little faith in tomorrow” there is less be scared about if you spend your time to the greatest extent.

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