Red Canvas | Teen Ink

Red Canvas

May 28, 2015
By InnerShadow BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
InnerShadow BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know piece."

As I watch the news I paint a picture
A picture colored in red
Upon a blank canvas that is as pale as their faces
The corners are as broken as their voices
With wrinkles formed by the dry tears of the forgotten

With each stoke of the brush
A scream is being muffled
A dream is being broken
A promise is being forsaken

The canvas does not move
Does not shake
Does not break.
It just lies there silently, quietly
It’s voice shattered by society


Tears gather in my eyes as I contemplate
As I realize the inevitable truth
That they are there and I am here
Powerless to stop the bleeding
Powerless to make sure they keep on breathing


So I just sit idly by
In the comfort of my own bed
Watching as they color the canvas red.

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