Borders | Teen Ink


May 28, 2015
By Anett123 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Anett123 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t say Ukraine anymore
The streets are not the same
What once was school girls wearing flowers on their heads
are now hiding from soldiers and crying for help

Don’t say Ukraine anymore
the food doesn’t taste the same
if you take a sip of borsh you feel hatred and pain,
You feel a part of Russia establishing their roots
you might even find a piece of Putin in your soup.

Don’t say Ukraine anymore
but if you must
say it with authority, to show who is boss, and who is not
say it with pride even though blood lies on the ground
say it with confidence even though there is grief through the whole town.

Better yet don’t say Ukraine anymore
the square is not ours
its been taken by lies and higher powers
the words you utter is not Ukraine anymore
part of us has been taken away
It’s been diminished and spit in our face

But we will stay strong and fight
Your blue and red scream blood and despite
we will reach the end with peace
and let me assure you, yellow will find its place with ease.

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