My House | Teen Ink

My House

May 8, 2015
By nrahrens0919 BRONZE, Lee\'s Summit, MO, Missouri
nrahrens0919 BRONZE, Lee\'s Summit, MO, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Open your mind before your mouth - Motionless in White, "Immaculate Misconception"

I’m alone.
I am in a constant battle between me, myself, and I.
Whenever I think I am safe, my thoughts slowly change that decision.
They say, ¨You are NEVER going to be safe from us.¨
I’m falling off a cliff that never ends,
Waiting to hit the bottom.

I’m trapped.
I’m trapped with all of my worst fears
and I never stop worrying.
This house, becomes my prison.
It is a building with every step I take,
every move I make,
I can hear them, whispering.

I’m scared.
Digging deep down in the depths of my heart and soul
My mind is full of demons.
My mind is dangerous.
There’s no escape from here.

I’m confused.
I hear these voices in my head,
and they are telling me to stop.
Why do I even bother?

Help Me.

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