Perfection | Teen Ink


April 30, 2015
By Amy_jo SILVER, Goodhue, Minnesota
Amy_jo SILVER, Goodhue, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mask beauty
Sometimes wears
Covering faces
With foundation,
Blush and more

The girl
in the store,
Dressing flashy
and more
Thinking if
she dresses
This way, She’ll
feel less
self conscience

The boy
in Starbucks,
being ridiculed
for dressing different,
But in reality
they’re all the same
While he is
the unique one

The girl
in the grocery store
Being heckled
by boys
From the
Aisle over,
When in reality,
She feels
self conscience,
She doesn’t want
to dress this way

As the mask
Inner beauty shows
Showing what is really
Inside beauty

Let the mask
Let your inner
beauty show
You’re beautiful in
every way,
Don’t you know?

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