Broken Society | Teen Ink

Broken Society

April 22, 2015
By VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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How many goodbyes,<br /> do i have to say?<br /> before you can feel,<br /> this pain i portray.

How can you live with such hate,
I don't really understand
to take a precious life away,
like it was nothing but a broken dam.

She was harmless,
she was wise.
but that beautiful smile of hers,
was a depression in disguise.

You took her,
threw her down one to many times.
made her the public enemy,
and filled her life with lies.

How far can you take it,
if I did the same to you.
You'd feel the pain she felt,
believe me it's true.

Your a coward with a mouth,
that should have learned to keep shut
why can't you people comprehend,
she's gone now.. no and, if or buts.

This is society,
so sick and so faint.
Who worry more about being cool,
then the broken girl so weary to compensate.

I'm hurt...we're hurt,
but still you didn't care!
You talked behind her back,
then acted like you were always there.

So quit trying to make up,
for the unspeakable reality.
For you will live with the fact,
you caused her fatality.

But you can't touch her no more,
you can't harass her Facebook page.
she's in a safe place now,
out of societies range.

The author's comments:

A few months ago, I lost the love of my life to a victimizing and cruel act of bullying. After two months of her death, I wrote this out of rage. I want this to be sent out to all the people who have had experience with this... God Bless!

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