Heavens Hallway | Teen Ink

Heavens Hallway

April 22, 2015
By VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
VDwyer BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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How many goodbyes,<br /> do i have to say?<br /> before you can feel,<br /> this pain i portray.

I look into the stars,

And gaze into the light.

Admiring your passion,

Where the Angels sing at night.


Eyeing a distant star,

That feels so near.

Perhaps it was you,

When the arrow met the deer.


For it was cold and quiet,

When you weren't around.

But when you appeared,

The warmth of my heart was suddenly found.


So do not be silent,

Do not be still.

For darling i love you,

And forever i will.


As you grew closer,

To the beating heart.

You knew that I'd be waiting here,

For endless love was here from the start.


Should your gazing light,

Decide to fade away.

I'll fall into the Heavens,

Where the skyline decays.


Though do not fear,

For your light is not gone.

Merely hidden from the world,

That will meet my own at dawn.


I can see your light so clear,

I'll love you forever and always.

So do not panic my dear,

I can hear the Angels at Heavens Hallway

The author's comments:

A passionate love connection no matter how distant.

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