Motivation | Teen Ink


April 22, 2015
By ThomasPlekanec BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
ThomasPlekanec BRONZE, Duncan, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up to another dreary day,
With no family or home.
No family, no pay,
He is all alone.
He feels as if he has nothing to give,
No energy to spend,
Yet he continues to live.
This is not the end.

The battles has just begun.
He’s been knocked down,
But he’s far from done.
Every day he says he’ll go to town
To look for a job, but every day he
Changes his mind and does not,
So the poor man pays the fee.
This habit will be fought.

Now he stands up.
No more begging for change
To be placed in his plastic cup.
Instead, it’s time for a change
To be made by himself. 

He realizes the one thing he does have:
Nothing to lose.

The world won’t give him a chance,
So he’ll make his own.
Despair is gone, and
Replaced by hope.
Hope that morning is near
And that he’ll see the sun again.

When the long-awaited job does come
And he receives his first pay check,
He knows what he did is
Put in the most effort when he had none left.

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