Break | Teen Ink


April 16, 2015
By Joshua Grossman SILVER, Weston, Florida
Joshua Grossman SILVER, Weston, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all breaks.
Why do you try to preserve it?
It all breaks.
There is no escape.

Why do you try to preserve it?
It will fall apart.
It will shatter.
Why try to stop the inevitable?

All that is precious,
All that is loved,
It will all break.
It is the truth.

You may call it harsh,
But the truth is harsh.
Do not deny it.
It will only make things worse.

Wounds may fade,
But do they heal?
The mind remembers.
The memories remain.

Why are you happy?
Why is that a right?
Someone is suffering.
Is your happiness more important?

I do not understand.
Why are some more important than others?
Is it numbers?
No, many have died to protect a single individual.

Is it status?
What determines status?
Is it wealth?

I’m not sure why the minority is more important than the majority?
I suppose it all comes down to status.
When did that become important?
When did life mean less than a dollar?

It’s a game.
A breaking game.
The rules are twisted.
No one will win.

The game of life.
The rules are lost.
It’s a broken game.
It ends with death.

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