A Brighter Side | Teen Ink

A Brighter Side

April 13, 2015
By Speedy-Shorty BRONZE, Pocatello, Idaho
Speedy-Shorty BRONZE, Pocatello, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever it takes."

The days got longer,The nights got shorter.

The teasing,

The name calling,

It just would not come to an end.

The bullying got tougher,

Yet no one seemed to care.

The crowds of bystanders got bigger.

I almost lost hope.

Then it all changed when someone stood up for me.

The crowds of bystanders then went away.

The days got shoter,

The nights got longer.

Knowing I had someone by my side,

I just could not lose hope.

I had a friend and a brighter side of things.

The author's comments:

Stand up and stop bullying.

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