Twenty Stories Up | Teen Ink

Twenty Stories Up

April 10, 2015
By CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things don't get done unless somebody does them."

The wind blows through your hair
At much higher speeds
Twenty stories up

The world scales down
Like a model
Twenty stories up

Two hundred feet drops off
In a surreal fashion
Twenty stories up

You can picture yourself
On the front of a movie poster
Twenty stories up

You think you can survive the fall
Landing on a soft pillow of cement
Twenty stories up

I told her not to leave
She wouldn't come down the stairs she used to go
Twenty stories up

It feels great to let go
Of both the world and your self
Twenty stories up

My life wouldn't feel as empty
If they wouldn't let you go
Twenty stories up

The author's comments:

Inspired by thoughts from the top of a skyscraper.

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