1 A.M. | Teen Ink

1 A.M.

April 5, 2015
By CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things don't get done unless somebody does them."

Nothing gets done at 1 AM
No homework is finished
No bolts are tightened
No hearts are broken

Nothing gets started at 1 AM
No opening paragraphs are written
No foundations are laid
No hands are held

Nothing hurts at 1 AM
No cuts bleed
No failure shames
No silence stings

And yet we are alive at 1 AM
We keep plugging uselessly ahead
We smile to keep from frowning
We laugh to keep from crying
Because no one should be awake
At 1 AM

The author's comments:

I have been up at 1 AM, and this is how it felt.

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