Legend | Teen Ink


April 2, 2015
By CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
CaptainKirby SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things don't get done unless somebody does them."

It may happen today
That moment of glory
When we do the impossible
and fade into legend

It might happen tomorrow
As they turn the page
You shout victoriously
and fade into legend

It might happen next week
When you take her hand in yours
Charging deeper into the plotline
and fade into legend

It started on page one
With the opening paragraph
That will enthrall a generation
and fade into legend

We are not here forever
Every story has an end
But the great will be remembered
and fade into legend

It may happen today
It's all up to you
Do it for the story
and fade into Legend

The author's comments:

I have one goal right now. To be great. To be remembered. To accomplish this goal I have been doing things for the sake of the story of my life. It's my way to make things a bit more interesting. So, if you're questioning whether or not you would step out of your comfort zone, ask yourself: will this make for a great story?

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