Sweet Reminiscing | Teen Ink

Sweet Reminiscing

March 30, 2015
By Alyssa Jackson BRONZE, La Palma, California
Alyssa Jackson BRONZE, La Palma, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's funny how far we've come

You and I

to a point I'd never want to have to tell you goodbye.


Remember us back then?

So desparate to find out if feelings were there,

I have to im press him!

What should I wear?

Do with my hair?

Would he even care?


Remember us back then?

Long hugs before we go,

Is he going to kiss me..should I?

Wait, I'm not going to do it first,

So I guess that's a no.


Remember us back then?

So shy to confess three simple words,

We were like to little blind love birds.


It's funny how far we've come

You and I,

My love for you has grown to a point I'll do anything

so we would never have to say goodbye.

The author's comments:

Every girl can relate to a time they were so nervous about going on a date with someone they really liked. From all the worrying about apperance to wondering who would make the first move, it is a funny memory to always think back on.

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