You Fit A Profile | Teen Ink

You Fit A Profile

March 31, 2015
By EmotionVsMind BRONZE, Lafayette, Louisiana
EmotionVsMind BRONZE, Lafayette, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we need it to be cold outside just to feel the warmth of our hearts again."

Acting “ghetto” is not equivalent to “acting black”
Acting “proper” is not equivalent to “acting white”
When will society comprehend that the pigment of your skin is not a synonym for ones actions?
Has it ever occurred to one that black people can be proper,
and white people can be ghetto?
Your prejudice opinions are because you are purple,
You will never understand because you are the shade of sassy plum 081 in the beauty department,
The school was shot up? Must have been a turquoise kid,
Your color is not welcome here, go back to the rest of the indigo people
All cherry people are terrorists, please remove your headdress and allow us to search you for looking suspicious
America’s colors are red, white, and blue-
yet all some people see is the white

In reality, America’s colors are black, brown, tan, white, pasty, peach, yellow,
and all in between.
in the end, the only color that  matters is of what your soul is radiant of.
We are all people of color,
some souls are just darker than others.

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