Why We Fall | Teen Ink

Why We Fall

March 25, 2015
By Littlelyss GOLD, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Littlelyss GOLD, Grand Rapids, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. ~John Green

How are we supposed to fall in love,
when we do just that?
Things break when they fall,
so why would we be any different?

We fall in love
because we tend to lead with our hearts,
not our heads.
Because it’s so much
better this way.

Each time we fall,
we’re hoping that the end won’t come.
That we won’t break.
But the truth is?
We probably will, it’s just how it goes.

Why do we keep doing it again,
being the definition of insanity,
knowing we’ll fall,
and if not this time,
we always seem to break eventually.

But we fall anyways.
We fall for the butterflies,
the smiles, and the memories.
We fall for the buzz they give us,
addicting like our personal drug.
We fall for the feeling of being wanted,
because that doesn’t seem to happen enough.
We fall because the one thing everyone
wants is to feel special.
Like they made the sun for you.
Like the stars are pointing you straight to them.
Like you make their world.
Like you add the only light in their life.

When we fall in love,
we don’t fall for the end, or the risk.
We fall for the fall.
The fall is what makes it worth it.

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