They Call Me Vagabond | Teen Ink

They Call Me Vagabond

March 17, 2015
By apenny4mythoughts BRONZE, Palmer, Nebraska
apenny4mythoughts BRONZE, Palmer, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph"

They call me Vagabond
I guess I’m a wandering spirit
I like my coffee black
and my doughnuts stale
My instinct is to run
And my face is very pale
To hold a conversation
is my greatest fear ever
If I could, I’d rather just hide in my turtle neck leather
My back pack on tight
Straps pulled in real close
I trudge the next mile on
this is the life I chose

They call me Vagabond
I’d sleep anywhere really
I like my weather hot
and my hair up tight
My favorite time to travel
Is in the dead of the night
I don’t have a mom or dad
or any family for that matter
I am all by myself, I'm my own given master
My back pack on tight
Straps pulled in real close
I trudge the next mile on
this is the life I chose

They call me Vagabond
I have seen it all
I like my friends crazy
and my miles stretched wide
To this earth I’ll always be
It’s beautiful, lonely bride
If I ever found a place to stay
I’d hope to be loved forever
but if to stay, means forever, to do that I could never
My back pack on tight
Straps pulled in real close
I trudge the next mile on
this is the life I chose

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