Nostalgia | Teen Ink


February 27, 2015
By ACadena BRONZE, Modesto, California
ACadena BRONZE, Modesto, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am somebody  and I am nobody
I wonder what the point of our lives is
I hear my name sounding so gentle on our voice
I see you right in front of me when my eyes are shut tight
I desire what you cannot have
I pretend to be someone better for myself
I feel the palm of your hand brush against my hair
I touch your arm, so gentle you can barely feel it
I worry about the future
I cry that they took you away from me
I worry I’ll never be complete again
I cry that my heart will never love again
I understand we pick the prettiest flowers in our gardens
I say to myself, maybe that’s why you're gone now
I dream of my old self, so happy no pain
I try to be better for myself
I hope I will see you again
But now I am just somebody, and nobody

The author's comments:

This poem was inspiried by Edgar Allen Poe's poem: Annabelle

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