Mummified | Teen Ink


March 5, 2015
By Scudder BRONZE, Port Aransas, Texas
Scudder BRONZE, Port Aransas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't leave your life collecting dust." - Hoobastank

My brains swirled,
Pulled out with the pointers used to direct my attention.

My eyes never to open,
For the agonizing boredom lies me to eternal sleep.

My heart torn out,
By those who would refuse to call me friend.

My lungs ripped from my chest,
By the excruciating pressure of my work.

My stomach turned and contorted,
By the food purposed for my nourishment.

My liver plucked,
By the water that would poison my mind.

My intestines knotted,
To tie my own noose in an attempt of freedom.

Bandages to wrap the pain all into a hollow shell,
Only filled with a dead heart and despair,

These white walls are my tomb,
Filled with little treasure,
But a million boobytraps designed for you to share the same fate.

The author's comments:

School is my tomb, it's only a matter of time before i cease to exist within its confines.

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