Free Like The Prisoners | Teen Ink

Free Like The Prisoners

February 26, 2015
By DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
DosesOfReality PLATINUM, Underground, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If they don't see you just keep walking. At least you have yourself.

My history teacher asked us a few days ago to do a essay on one question.

Are we free?

I just quietly laughed.

He came over to me and asked why I laughed.

I looked at him and said "why would you even ask if we were free when you know we aren't and never will be?"

I think he was just shocked by my response because he just walked away.

To fully answer that question you would have had to know freedom, and also you would need to have been not free, not inslaved, but just not necessarily free.

Like how we are now.

The thing is we are not free.

We live with rules, limits, laws that must be followed or there will be negative consequences.

We can't go wherever whenever.

That requires a certain amount of money.

Even if one did have that certain amount of money, we still have needs.

Food, water, a bathroom.

So once again there is soemthing tying us.

There isn't just one string holding us from freedom, there are millions, and billions.

Once you think you've solved one, another pulls you back down.

The government, the federal government, the law, all these are people, or things that keep us from freedom.

Some people don't see it that way, and that's fine.

But I see us all with collars tight around our necks, they loosen the leash, and we think we're free.

We get a little breathing room and we all of a sudden think we're free.

I do know that we are not, and will never be free.

We are just as caged and enslaved as the men and women who are inprisoned.

We're like animals at a zoo.

Born into thinking we are free.

This is freedom.

Because this what our Mothers and Fathers taught us, and this is what we will teach our children.

Because none of us tasted the true real freedom.

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