The Final Frontier | Teen Ink

The Final Frontier

February 25, 2015
By Anonymous

Drowning in black liquid
No shore to swim to
Sinking to the bottom like a feather
in the wind.
In space nobody can hear you scream.

Falling, falling, falling...
Into the fathoms of space.
Breathing echoed throughout his helmet
while his heart clouted his chest.
Chilled quicksilver spilled down his spine.
He was paralyzed.

Fragments of metal tore out the sutures of his suit.
It was only a matter of time.

A kaleidoscope of cosmos and light danced in front of
His sparkling eyes. Brushes of color emitted
spectrums of velvet ink and crystal splatters
of emerald and sapphire.
A blanket of milky snowflakes covered the sky
and twinkled a thousand times.
It was beautiful.

His vision began to fade away.
Fumes from space coiled around his body
like a python and squeezed every breath out of him.

A falling star drifted in front of him...twinkling.

Make a wish.

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