Smile | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By A.Ravens.Lullaby SILVER, Reidsville, North Carolina
A.Ravens.Lullaby SILVER, Reidsville, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The rain to the wind said,
'You push and I'll pelt.'
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged--though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.

~ "Lodged" by Robert Frost

You might not believe it,
But I used to smile a lot.
Of course everyone did,
Back when we were young,

And carefree.
And clueless.
And oblivious to the problems of the world like,

The politics,
The shootings,
The discrimination,
Society's personal opinion,

Of the way you dress,
The things you do,
The people you associate with,
Or the way you act.

I grew up and became sick of it,
While others listened and followed society's standards.
I grew up lonely,
Without someone to share my thoughts with.

Yes, I used to smile a lot.
But that was before I discovered the terrible truth,
About sharing your own opinions,
Because those around you leave you isolated in a hole of your unwanted rebellion.

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