Gargoyles | Teen Ink


January 16, 2015
By Delighteful SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Delighteful SILVER, Portland, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sitting high on the buildings or churches

Stone arched wings connected to its stone form

Claws and faces frozen in the position they were made

The form of a winged beast known to be scary

Watching over the cities below with longing

Cold as ice, they do not move

But sometimes at night they're made to seem

as if they exist to move

With their backs arched and heads held in position

Gargoyles, known as myth but beautiful in their wake

Watching over what could be if they lived

Watching over the cities of their memories

From wench they were made

Gargoyles, still so lifeless in the day

but if lucky they'll move one day and fly across the starry skies.


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