12:51 A.m. | Teen Ink

12:51 A.m.

January 9, 2015
By KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“why did i so passionately require the truth? because all great fiction is true”
― Kinky Friedman, Kill Two Birds and Get Stoned

I love when he kisses me hard.
I love when he hugs me tight.
I love his lungs and his breath.

The way they tap with his ribs.

I love him as his body is my home.

As we fear the same and think different.

I miss feeling his touch to my hair.
And to connect my body with his.

With his sleeping body on my heartbeat
As a lullaby.

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