My sisters style | Teen Ink

My sisters style

December 19, 2014
By Hailey1998 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hailey1998 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody in our family has different style. My papa's style is like a stained rag, stained clothes that smell of detergent. And me, my style is lazy. It never obeys dresses and skirts. James’ style is ripped and dirty. He doesn't own a single pair of nice pants. My moms style is comfy--leggings and sweaters everyday.
       But my sisters style, my sisters style, like little zoo, like little explosion circles all stripes and circles because she expresses her craziness, gasping when you see her exoctic mixture. Looking like a peacock ,with bright colors and funny shapes,its like an illusion when all the colours spin in your head, you let her express herself , letting herself be a leader instead of a follower. The colors, the circles , and Shailyn’s style that makes her,her.

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