The Mannequin | Teen Ink

The Mannequin

December 5, 2014
By Hmstark BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
Hmstark BRONZE, Falmouth, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The fashion, the clothes
Brand new shoes to cover my toes
The mannequin calling my name
That scarf was doing the same
The store so perfect clean
The fabric I desired
Could only be seen

I wanted to purchase
I wanted to buy
The fact that I couldn’t
Forced a long sigh

The mannequin was staring
Cloaked  in a dress
I left without caring
Spending less
It was then I knew I could not
The clothes have only fought

They need an owner
They need a friend
They need to be loved until the end
The fabrics would die
and I, myself, would simply cry

I ran inside
Saved the clothes in pride
And left knowing my money was spent for the better
But still I wanted
that cashmere sweater

I will no longer buy another top
I will no longer shop until I drop
I will no longer get those boots on sale
I will receive no more dresses in the mail

With a proud grin across my face
I happily abandon that fancy place
Though as I walked by
The mannequin stared me right in the eye
My last item bought was forgotten
I wanted that new combination of style
I found my friends and began to dial
With slight donations
I would give to a need
I walked back into that store
And finished the deed

The author's comments:

A humous poem based upon "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

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