Nature's Water Colors | Teen Ink

Nature's Water Colors

December 5, 2014
By lildaigle97 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
lildaigle97 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Who said the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon"

With magnificent colors from Red to Green,
It is the most beautiful thing I have seen.
Rainbows don’t come out at night,
But during the day their colors shine bright.
At the sight of its glisten,
It’s like God saying, “Look, listen.”
The mood rainbows bring,
Are happiness, awe, and inspiration to sing.
Pots of gold from East to West,
This creation by God is by far one of his best.
Radiant colors arching through the sky,
Their brightness forever dazzling my eye.
With a mesmerizing glow, rainbows possess a beauty one may never know.
These colors are a promise of a new day,
Their translucent splendor is here to stay.

The author's comments:

Me and my class wrote this poem together sophomore year. I came across it recently, and I just thought I'd share the poem.

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