Misery | Teen Ink


November 19, 2014
By AriBellaa SILVER, Kingstown, Other
AriBellaa SILVER, Kingstown, Other
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It's Only Hard Work That Leads Unto Success

What did I ever do to deserve this misery?
What did I ever do to feel so much pain?
Day after day, I cry out to God, but why does it feel as though he has forsaken me?
No one to talk to, No one to assure me everything would be okay
God, God why did you bring me
Why did you bring me to suffer?
They say no pain last forever but the pain I am feeling has been lasting forever and ever and ever
I kneel down sometimes and I cry out to God why can’t you take away my pain
Me, Myself and I in the lonely world
I have no one
Not even a friend, why ?
No one can hears my cry
Father can you hear me?
Would you please listen?
Why then should I not take my life?
The poison going through my veins, the bullet going through my skull
That I know will surely be better than this pain.
To my daughter I hope you will never know me, because I betrayed you
To my unborn it is better off not knowing me, not being here in this world because being here with me in this world makes no difference
I swear that everything I touch is ruined
I swear that there would never be a brighter day
Because pain, this pain is never going to go away
So I pray God if you believe I exist to take it away or just take my breath away.

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