The Swarm | Teen Ink

The Swarm

November 11, 2014
By KWong BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
KWong BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life may not be the greatest today, but don't dawn on it. Look forward to the next day and the day after to be better than the day before." - Me

The pounding on the ground ,
We heard it all around.
Like a rapid heart beat going faster and faster
Then it just stopped and it sounded peaceful like ever after.
We were wrong
Creatures of reptile-insect skin and green eyes came from the ground with
fangs so long.
My comrades were gone in an instant
Swarmed and tore apart from tent to tent.
I was the lone survivor they left me to stay
I remember that memory to this very day.

The author's comments:

Starcraft cinematic.

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