Amnesia | Teen Ink


November 8, 2014
By Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest smile the brightest, and the most damaged are the wisest all because they do not wish to see others suffer as they do."

It was three months ago,

when I heard you cry,

it was the first time,

and it made me hurt.


I broke up with you,

and it was really hard,

like ending the life,

of a bright star,


But the problem is,

no matter how hard I try,

He reminds me of you,

all the time.


I wish that I had amnesia,

just to block you out,

because deep inside I care for you,

but I shouldn't anymore.


He holds me close,

but I think of you,

when he talks to me,

its a repeat,

of our old conversations.


When I hear him talk,

sometimes its your voice,

and sometimes when I think of him,

I have no choice but to see your face.


I wish I had amnesia,

to forget your pretty face,

I really care for him,

but you can't be replaced.


Why can't I forget you,

you think that I've moved on,

but I'm not fine at all,

and he can't take your place.


I wish I had amnesia,

because I can't forget you,


I really like him,

more than anyone else,

but you're still there reminding me,

making me wish I could be someone else.

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