True Hope | Teen Ink

True Hope

October 31, 2014
By Cody1998 BRONZE, Melvindale, Michigan
Cody1998 BRONZE, Melvindale, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
turn your wounds into wisdom


Some say such a word is but a myth,

A mere tale of what people are in search for,

A long conquest to find a small light fragment where there is darkness,

But what ive found in my search wasnt just a fragment,

No, it was more than just a small piece of light,

It was a whole room of light, 

Casting away the darkness for good,

Shining through to brighten up the darkness,

Filling up whatever had been emptied,

I have finally found my inner light,

My one true hope.

The author's comments:

My inspiration for this piece was that not just me, but others around the world have lost their hope and kept themselves shut out, and i feel that others should keep their head up and make a change for themselves.

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