If only... | Teen Ink

If only...

October 23, 2014
By Lostradamus BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Lostradamus BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do it by any means necessay." -Malcom X

If I went on a journey
She'd be my destination...
But one thing hinders me,
Nobody knows it better than me...
Because it is me.
If I could build up the courage
And let her know how I truly feel
Maybe, just maybe
I could have a shot at love...
Whenever she was unhappy
It made me unhappy.
I'd do anything to keep her smiling
Every second of every day...
Her smile could light up the universe
For eternity!
When she spoke,
Her words flowed so eloquently from her lips.
When I looked into her eyes,
I could feel her every breath
Beating the beat of a thousand drums...
When she spoke about her insecurities,
I only saw how much more beautiful she truly was...
Unfortunately, I've never been able
To openly express my feelings for her.
When I see her, my stomach turns in a knot,
My mouth can't make out the words
I want to say, and
My heart aches because I know
She doesn't share the same feelings
Alas, I live not knowing true love...
But live loving from afar...

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