Walking Together | Teen Ink

Walking Together

October 25, 2014
By ignoreddaisy SILVER, New City, New York
ignoreddaisy SILVER, New City, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even if they don't look different, both the sea and the sky change. And so do we."-Makoto Tachibana

Remember that time I became your friend?
You, being super chill, with the awkward me.
How did this happen exactly?
It just sorta happened. We talked and talked,
and never turned back.
Walking and talking, something simple felt special.
With no one around us to interfere, the world was ours alone.

You treated me like a princess. Like a knight, you helped me,
you protected me. I want to thank you, but how?
I’ve never met a true gentleman like you.
But that just shows how many times I’ve been hurt.
Your kindness healed my wounds, one word at a time.

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