Math away! | Teen Ink

Math away!

October 23, 2014
By Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Who in the world am I?<br /> Ah, that&#039;s the great puzzle&quot;<br /> -Alice in Wonderland

Physics, Oh Physics
Why are you all math?
My brain is all bricks
Crushed under your wrath

Your velocity is constant
But your acceleration is too
Your shape is a plant
Oops, parabola is the skew.

If the bullet flies to the right
With gravity being used
The motion is in flight
Or at least that’s what I mused

So if the dolphin jumps high
At an angle of ten
Wait – standby –
Is that equal to zen?

Final or initial
Really, what’s the difference
They’re both beneficial
If that makes sense

Now don’t forget speed
In meters per second
And always reread
So all thoughts are reckoned

Well fish or footballs or Farmer Bob,
You can fly through the air
Cause the book says it’s your job
Just leave me alone, I really don’t care

But seriously, I’m worried
How many cars must fall off a cliff
Being pushed and hurried,
Until we notice and give a little sniff

But really, just think
In 10 years, or 3, or even one day
What person will sit there with a cold drink
And calculate the velocity of a football play?

I just can’t deal with numbers,
Cosines, or graphs
It puts me in a deep slumber
Where I have a good laugh

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