Pages of You | Teen Ink

Pages of You

October 15, 2014
By WritingRose333 BRONZE, Chrisman, Illinois
WritingRose333 BRONZE, Chrisman, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I sit and stare at the blank pages of my life
Flip flopping back and forth between filling them or burning them
Do I go on? Do I scribble my secrets and undying love for you all over these poor pages?
Or do I simply tear them from the binding and release them into the air, like leaves being lifted in an angry wind
My heart holds to you, tight, as if they were the roots of an old oak wrapped around the earth’s core
So, what do I do? I write, I write of you
Each word disgraces your name with its lack of importance, of dignity
But still, I write, carefully untangling the ribbon of mysteries you have placed between my heart and mind with each cautiously placed word
They now battle, a real civil war takes place inside my body, mentor vs. lover, ruthlessly slinging words back and forth
I love you for the way your lips brush mine, For the way your fingertips trace my body, Sending shivers up and down my spine
I love you for the flame in your eyes that never seems to quake or die out
Back and forth… back and forth... desperate for a reason
I love you for the way your arms fit perfectly around me, enclosing me in a deep, peaceful, paradise
I love you for the way you never back down, you hold to your every word as if they are the threads that hold you together
Back and forth… and hush..
I love you because you are the wingless angel that pulled me out of my hell
I love you because in a room full of people, it’s just you and me
Suddenly my mind and heart go quiet.. 
I love you because you hold the pieces of me together that I believed to be lost long ago
I love you because you fill up the pages better than anyone else ever could

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