Lights Below | Teen Ink

Lights Below

October 8, 2014
By EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
EmmaRoseP SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are like roses. If you just grab at us, you'll get a handful of thorns, but if you know where the thorns are and why they protect us you won't get hurt as badly.Only then will you appreciate our beauty."

Harsh wind on my face, hands wrapped around my waist. Lights spread out before us peppered on a blanket of darkness. Above, light illuminates the clouds and electricity thrums throughout the figures on the mountain. Whispers traded to longing ears. Drops fall, I think of rain, but it’s really tears. I turn to the lights and each story they hold. Our story is here, under the stars. The moon smiles on the group of strangers, keeping their secret hidden in her light.

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