Me Brain Me burden | Teen Ink

Me Brain Me burden

October 7, 2014
By Giovanna.I.L. BRONZE, Caracas, Other
Giovanna.I.L. BRONZE, Caracas, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Intelligence looks good, they say
You look good, they say
My brain is you
My brain looks good
Yet my brain is my burden


Meditation doesn't take
Thoughts out of my head
My brain is you
Is it good,
To have a brain that looks good?
It's my burden


You thinks
Too much
Brain couldn't afford friends
My brain is my burden


Should I rip you off? I ask
Brain, I still need you
Brain, I still need you
But why don't you have a space for people?
Are you too much?
Do you look too good?


Does my brain really look good?

It makes me a burden.

The author's comments:

I hope that from this text different people will get different messages. My own, personal message is the portrayal of the dilemma that me and other women have to face in a the society of Latin Americans. In this society, women are believed to be simply not made to be intellectual. Women have to be pretty, do thier daily work out and put dermathological creams on their beautiful faces. So what if I want to do my work wout, I want to look at myself in the mirror and like what I see but I also want to be smart and have intellectual discussions? This is not and has never been accepted by anyone. Other groups of women are scared/intimidated and chose to not approach, and men, well men do not like women who use their tongues to speak. Women like me in Venezuela never fit anywhere and start doubting if they should chose a side. Should I chose to be pretty or smart? I believe that every woman in the world can chose to be pretty AND smart. They can chose to take care of their bodies the way they want, to express their opinions however ther want to and simply be the BEST they can be withouth being judged for it. However this is not how it happens in reality, therefore I then chose to be both, keep my burden and acept the fact that here, I will always be a burden. 

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